Dr Uma Ukpai in The GAME CHANGER

Todays teaching by Dr Uma Ukpai

Fear is the biggest torment of life; fear of what has not happened as if it has happened. David in the scriptures was only asked by his father to take food to his brothers in the battle ground. When he got there, he saw that when Goliath shows up, Gods children will tremble and enter into what I call ‘evening and morning devotion of fear at the mere appearance of the unknown’. He was not ready to join in the festivity of fear but rather he chose to be a game changer. He took actions by asking of the benefit of exploits. God expects in your office, school, business; in your community, state and our nation to be the game changer .Dr Uma Ukpai

Things have refused to improve in our environments because we chose not to ask and not to take action. What it takes for evil to continue is for good men to sit down, say nothing and do nothing. Our world is turning greedier daily because of the fear of the unknown. Leaders refuse to give up positions because our world does not always celebrate men who fought yesterday’s battle. Until we cease to be imitators we cannot swim in the blessings of the future because imitation leads to limitations.

 David would have succumbed to the shouting down by his brothers, and so was Hannah when the prophet of God taught she was a drunkard but she said ‘for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief I have spoken until now’ We should not allow the presence of our enemies to intimidate us; rather it should be the reverse case. Where Princes and Princess will see us and stop talking. Yes they may gossip at our backs and that makes them cowards. Hear me; every test is an announcement of a coming testimony. When we are insulted, abused or cursed by anyone, we often want to retaliate. I have marveled at people trying to kill in other to revenge the abuse to their god. If your God is powerful, he will fight his battle and your battle. Be it known that no man can be humiliated without his permission and no man can pass life humiliation without His (God) permission

The chief executive officer of the trinity is there with you. At the last program we had in Nsukka, Nigeria, we had 2 million people every night, six cripples worked in one day because someone must be a Game changer. It is time to announce to your friends and enemies that your God is about to show up. Any man that desire outstanding and verifiable miracles and for the power of God to overwhelm them must daily seat in the consciousness of the peculiar concentrated presence of God.

 The whole world is earnestly waiting for your manifestation. It is a fact! And ‘Great’ faith is the product of great fight and faith does not deny fact; it changes it. Don’t shy away from that nice voice, that special gift, those golden legs or whatever heaven has given you that make you unique. Until you take action the game remains and the tendency for the pendulum to swing to the losing side is at maximum. You can be what the world is waiting for; the Game Changer

 Dr Uma Ukpai

If you trust God to prosper you in every area of your life, post “I am the Game changer” in the comment section and let the enemy knows that you are doggedly committed in your faith! “it’s Your Time”

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