Sunday Watch Oct. 15th, 2017

Covenant day of fruitfulness and anointing service

Everything holding down your marital destiny from fruitfulness is broken today in the name of Jesus! Every bitter family life, every unfruitful home, the siege is finally over today

Psalm 128:1-6 Today must mark the end of dry seasons in your life.

James 2:6, 1 Cor 12 :5-7. Diversities if for profitable living. These are what we need to have glorious destiny in Christ. 1 Cor 12:11. The offspring of the Holy Ghost.

  1. the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of servanthood. Isaiah 42:1-4, it empowers us to live above fainting and discouragement. Hab 2:3. You need it to keep engaging. Receive the enduement of the spirit of servanthood today. Your full reward requires patience. You need the spirit of servanthood to make it in Christ. Reach out for fresh oil. May the anointing of today brings freshness to the spirit of servanthood in your life. In the name of Jesus you will not disconnect at the point of your reward. Exodus 23:25-26. Job 36:11, Luke 22:28-29 temptation of mockeries, reacting to shame and reproach. You need to do enough so that your rain shall fall. Heb 12:6, 2. There are things to endue before you will enjoy what you are allocated to enjoy.
  2. We need the enduement of the Spirit of Love which empowers our giving 2Tim 1:7. Empowerment of our giving life John 3:16. 1 John 3:17-18. Excited giving life, joyful, tireless giving life requires the spirit of love to be active. 2 Cor 8:9, Rev 5:12, Rev 5:12, 2 Cor 9:7, 10. God loves a cheerful giver. Givers wont lack access to blessings. Our financial stewardship is one of the fruit that we are with Jesus. I pray that this day marks the end of your financial struggles in Life. 2 Cor 8:8. We prove our love by giving.
  3. The spirit of Grace and supplication that delivers us from all forms of prayer infirmities and empowers us to pray according to his will at all times. It is an endless stewardship. And one of the most rewarding platform. Matt 6:6. Prayer is part and parcel of you in the faith. It provides a platform for open reward. Nobody could see the investment but they cannot doubt the outcome. Neh 1:1-11. Nehemiah prayed his way to enviable levels and he got an enviable destiny. Dan 6:10. A Prayer addict. Dan 2:19. Dan 2:46, Dan 6:3, he fulfilled destiny in grand style Dan 6:28. Until you stop praying God will not stop rewarding. Your pay only stops as you retire. Praying kingdom prayers entitles you for open reward. Luke 2:36-38, Matt 6:10-11. Prayer changes things and people luke 9:28-29, 43, Exodus 34;28-30. when you are change you gain charge over things. Prayer changes our level of spiritual authority. Thank you Jesus for bringing me into my season of open reward. Anyone who tries to attack a child of God will die for free.

Today is our covenant day of fruitfulness. Your struggles are over. You must do the believing. Mark 6:6. Your believe is vital to your delivery. Every word spoken concerning you today shall be openly confirm.

Every covenant child is ordained a fruitful vine. Psalm 128:3. Gen 1:27-28. Deut 7:14, Gal 3:29. I curse the root of every form of barrenness in anyone’s life. Accessible and deliverable only by revelation 2 Pet 1:3 Gen 13:14-15. You must see it before you can get it. Acts 20:32. An end comes to every form of dryness around your life. Psalm 100:3, psalm 139:14, Jer 1:5, God is the baby maker, you cannot afford to be a baby beggar 1 Tim 5:8. God provides for his own first. Therefore, today marks your turn around date. As the Lord liveth, your weeping is over.