Marriage Tips Part 3

“If you cannot take care of your family members, you are worst than a kidnapper”

“Laws of happy relationships states that you attract what you are”

“No man prospers in the place where he has no investment. Therefore, invest in your spouse, invest in your children and invest in yourself”

“A great marriage is the union of great forgivers. Husbands start talking to your wife more gently. Wives respond more gently, both actions calms tensions”

Hear this, without gentleness your beauty will fail your marriage

“The sparkle of romance in relationships is when you celebrate and spend quality time with your spouse, inject element of surprises and keep your spouse informed about where you are”

“Even as a young person in love with a girl you dream beautiful dreams, after the wedding you will realise that love is blind but marriage is an eye opener. Therefore, there are things to put in place to have a successful marriage”

“A gentle word can get through to the hard-headed (Proverbs 16:21). Therefore, screaming at your children or your wife does not guarantee real obedience; it only creates fear and resentment”

The attitude of patience that you have as a parent is what your kids will learn from, more than what you tell them. They don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are