Marriage 402

We all need the Spirit of Understanding. If you are married, you need to know what makes marriage to work – understanding of the principles, the dynamics and mechanics of marital success shall be given to you by God if you ask Him.

Singles: When you compromise your beliefs for the sake of gaining a partner, that is a lack of integrity. Most of the time the marriage never happens or when it does, trust will be missing and maltreatment is inevitable. Dont be force into marriage by being pregnant. It is a bad omen that there wont be love in that marriage.

Children are gift from God. Stop saying if you don’t have a male child, your marriage is incomplete. It is you saying to God, I am ungrateful for your gift. Be thankful and appreciate your children whether girl or boy.

God initiated the idea of relationships, it is our duty to develop and sustain it but if your commitment to God is unquestionable, it is a sign that your marriage will be heaven on earth.

Woman, if you are in the club of people who mock and despised their husband. Remember Michal, she was barren for the attitude and mockery that she imposed on David. Stop misbehaving for your own good especially if that man loves God.

Marriage is not a union of two people who want to correct each other. It is a union of two people who want to celebrate one another and care for one another and support one another. It is a business of two selfless people. A marriage where there are selfish people will not work.

If a man uses abusive words on his wife every time, he is speaking out of the abundance of his heart. Until he changes the contents of his thoughts, he cannot speak otherwise. He is either having an affair with his eyes opened or he is bewitched. Such person needs deliverance.

Men initiate things and women respond to them. Husband, initiate the love relationship between you and your wife and she will respond to you in love. No woman hates to be loved. When you love your wife, you easily win her submission.

Words are powerful and saying, “I love you” over and again, spices up the marriage

When your spouse is angry, find out why he or she is angry. Don’t act as if you are a Supervisor. Outside your home, you are a rich big man or woman but inside your house, you are only a Father and a husband, a wife and a mother; a sister to her husband, a manager to her husband. You are there to serve one another.

Learn to allow your spouse win some argument. Don’t insist on winning argument every time. You must learn how to ask yourself, what is the message my spouse wants to pass on to me.

Finally, to fulfil God’s purpose for your marriage the first step is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Number two: To be a keeper and a solution provider requires the grace of God and to access that grace, you must be born again. If you want to be born again you need to say this prayer:

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today as a sinner. Forgive me of my Sins. I believe You died and rose on the third day for my sins. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”