Marriage 309

As a wife, you are not created to take advantage of the man, but to be a blessing to him. you must have seen some weaknesses in your husband’s life; but rather than take positive steps, you run him down, tongue-lash him and then pat yourself on the back for being more weak. By so doing, you are treading on shaky ground, because very soon, you will realize that the body cannot move when the head has been knocked off! Be a helper, not a destroyer; an asset, not a liability; a blessing, not a burden; a soothing balm, not a thorn in his flesh. Ask God for the grace to constantly surround your husband with aid and assistance.

Only God has the right to judge people, we don’t have that power. As a married man you can’t change your wife. Wife is not a crusade of change but a crusade of celebration

God cannot put two smiling people into one marriage. When you combine opposite in marriage, you maintain equilibrium.

If your wife fears you, that marriage will not work. You are only a big man outside your home

If you spend beyond your means, you will end up in debt. Indebtedness is disastrous! It destroys! Debt has led to many homes hitting the rocks! Your home will not shatter in Jesus’ name.

There are people who see demons where there are no demons. Anytime they see their spouse have discussion with another person, they imagine things that are not real. You have to deal with that or you will have a life of pain, a life of wound in your heart.

Finally, to fulfil God’s purpose for your marriage the first step is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Number two: To be a keeper and a solution provider requires the grace of God and to access that grace, you must be born again. If you want to be born again you need to say this prayer:

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today as a sinner. Forgive me of my Sins. I believe You died and rose on the third day for my sins. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”