Marriage 305

A man without a job is not ready for family life at all. When a man stops looking after his household, his life becomes worse than that of an unbeliever. Where there seems not to be any available work or job, create one. Therefore, the man must work with his hands; he can’t afford to be lazy, idle or beg. Some people will want to marry by faith, but Faith that makes God solely responsible for the affairs of our lives is an irresponsible faith.

I want you to know that whatever that does not glorify God in your life shall be rolled away. I am glad to let you know that barrenness does not glorify God. As you look unto God for the fruit of the womb, because it is part of God’s purpose for your marriage, that shame shall be averted in Jesus’ name

Time is a precious commodity that should be invested and not wasted. Disconnect yourself from the company of time wasters and begin to invest quality time to your spiritual life. Remember, time is life! Unfortunately many people spend time, very few invest it. What we do with it is what makes the difference. So, invest quality time in Word study and prayer as a family. Read anointed books and materials that will open up your understanding, enlighten, encourage, challenge and keep you spiritually active and alert.

“Anytime you smite your wife, you are demonstrating madness and whatever name you call her, that is equally your name. Because the two shall become one. If you call your wife stupid, you are Mr. Stupid” Bishop David Oyedepo

As a believer who desires a right family, you must make up your mind to dissociate yourself from every friend that thinks or talks contrary to the Word of God. Have a good family friend and your marital life will be moulded. May God bring you in contact with friends that will skyrocket you and your family to your place in destiny. May you never keep a company that will keep you away from God.

Whether single or married, illicit sexual affairs render your service to God unrewarded and will deprive you of enjoying the honour He has destined for you in marriage
In order to cement the unity in marriage, the man must leave his father and mother so that he can give his full devotion to his wife. Keep disagreements private: Do not fight with or criticize your spouse in front of others, especially children, in-laws, and friends. Appreciate your partner’s admirable qualities: Pay more attention to positive than negative traits in your mate.
Finally, to fulfil God’s purpose for your marriage the first step is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. If you want to be born again you need to say this prayer:

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today as a sinner. Forgive me of my Sins. I believe You died and rose on the third day for my sins. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.”