Marriage 522

In marriage, the man is the principal actor in every home and marriage.  Until the husband accepts his responsibility as head, there can be nothing like a remarkable marriage. Responsibilities in marriage, for both the husband and the wife must be clearly understood, not to be assumed.

Poor financial progress is the reason for so many with retarded future, spoilt children and corruption. Such vices started taking root at home. Although, money is necessary for progress at home, you must recognise that you need to have good money management methods to build a financial future for yourself and your family members.

You must follow God’s instructions to escape embarrassment for yourself and family. Those who fail to plan according to God’s instructions have planned to fail. Many problems in the home may not necessarily require more prayer to God for money, but more wisdom in handling money.

Singles, don’t marry anyone because of his or her money. Those who run after money are running after sorrow. Let’s run after God and money will run after us. Whatever comes our way by way of finance, let’s learn to put God first, separating the first fruits of our harvest unto God. Your home shall not lack the peace and joy of Christ in Jesus’ name!

Until you discover your purpose for living, building a godly character might be a difficult task. When you discover your purpose, it gives you direction and focus – and you know that focus is power (Hebrews 12:2). Men and women of sound character are usually men and women of purpose. Position your family to be focus on achievement no matter the events happening around you.

Singles, many of you expect love to be easy. You expect it to be a world of roses and laughs and perfect moments that you find only in movies. You expect him or her to always say the right thing, and always know exactly how you feel, or exactly how to react to it. You expect him or her to calm you down when you’re yelling or to chase you when you run away. You expect so much that you feel entirely, utterly defeated when something doesn’t exactly match up with all your plans. But that’s the thing. Love isn’t a plan. It doesn’t have a certain beginning and it certainly has no end or visible finish line to those deeply in it. Even though you were once defeated for loving, you must keep loving.

Finally, to fulfil God’s purpose for your marriage the first step is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Number two: To be a keeper and a solution provider requires the grace of God and to access that grace, you must be born again. If you want to be born again you need to say this prayer:

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today as a sinner. Forgive me of my Sins. I believe You died and rose on the third day for my sins. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.