Marriage 517

Wife, God gave you to your husband as a precious, valuable gift. You must package yourself well to function in that capacity. This means believing and expecting only the best from your husband every time.  It also means that you believe your husband means well and that his intentions are pure.

Spouse, if you find yourself frequently pointing out your spouse’s faults, work on focusing on the qualities you fell in love with, instead. Receive the grace to maintain an intimate relationship with your spouse

Learn how to say I am Sorry, Please and Thank you. Apologise because it is the remedy for mistakes that spouses inevitably make. Recognising mistakes, taking responsibility for them, expressing remorse for any hurt caused, and making a commitment to change the hurtful behaviour, are all essential to mending the relationship after a mistake.

Wife, when you don’t understand the happenings in your home and the new behaviour of your husband, call on the Spirit of God inside you to guide and give you insight into the innermost part of your husband’s being, so that you can perceive what his needs are and how you can help to make a difference. Receive Grace to be a wife in deed and in need.

Singles, God created sex, and it is a major part of the marriage union. It is meant to be enjoyed exclusively by the husband and his wife after marriage. If you are not yet married, sex is a forbidden fruit for you.  It is only proper in the context of marriage. Outside marriage, sex is a sin.

Let go of anger, desire for revenge and obsessive thinking about times your spouse has hurt you. It includes giving your spouse permission to have weaknesses, make mistakes and change. Seeing the goodness and strengths of your spouse along with the weaknesses, can open up emotional space for good will to build toward your spouse.

Finally, to fulfil God’s purpose for your marriage the first step is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Number two: To be a keeper and a solution provider requires the grace of God and to access that grace, you must be born again. If you want to be born again you need to say this prayer:

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today as a sinner. Forgive me of my Sins. I believe You died and rose on the third day for my sins. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.