Wednesday Encounter with Daddy Uma Ukpai February 24th, 2016

You cannot be part of this commission and be a failure in life” Pastor Joe announcing the donations of 2000 eye lenses to Uma Ukpai Eye centre from a Philanthropist to the fellowship. #ThankGodItsWednesday

Every one of us needs a destiny helper but there are things you must know to help you become what you must be. Tonight, I will show you passages that will make you do the impossible

Jesus came that you will be great. Therefore, whatever is missing in your life shall be revealed tonight

You need only word and that one word will explode your destiny

I want to highlight something that will be an obstacle, a limitation to your progress Matthew 6:9-13. No man can be great until he can rule himself. Hebrews 11:23-33

Only the gift of faith can make you believe that all things are possible

If what must be must be, then we don’t need to pray. The enemy is free to attack us but we are also free to respond to the attack. Even if you are put in the Lion’s den, I want to announce that they shall not harm you, I declare, no witch will harm you

Life is a battle, it is fought in the spiritual realm and manifest in the physical realm- There are people who don’t like you and hate you; not because you offended them. You owe no explanation to anybody. Therefore, when people threaten you, don’t keep quiet, say something. Right where you are tonight, God will do the extra in your life

Number One: every one of us will go through Moment of denial, moment of delay Job 23:8-10. Matthew 14:21-23. I want to announce it shall not be a permanent fixture in your life.

 Hebrews 11:34

No matter what you are going through. Continue to do what you know is right. Job 23:11. Learn how to smile in the midst of your problems Job 1:20,22.

Don’t let the devil give you an exaggerated value over something you are going through. There is nothing more important than your relationship with God 1 Cor 2:9. Anybody who love God more, God will bless him more than others Job 13:15.

I want to announce that dream that has refused to die in your life shall soon be realised. Job 40:10-12 . The higher you go the better the announcement. 1 Samuel 30:14 everyone has a destiny helper waiting for you, that helper will show up.

 1 Cor 12:31. Isaiah 55:1, Psalm 63:2-4, John 7:37-38. Dare to believe God’s promises because one day will come that what you are looking for shall come looking for you.

 You can change your destiny to a golden destiny. Father anyone that is part of our fellowship tonight, show them the limitless boundless possibilities of your power and the master key to a life of abundance. I declare a new beginning, the beginning of their unending laughter; that roadblock the enemy has mounted shall now be dismantled

 Watch the rest of the message BELOW