Dr Uma Ukpai- Peace in the Midst of Storm

Todays teaching by Dr Uma Ukpai

dr uma ukpaiAnd he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm Mark 4:39.

What is Peace? Peace is the absence of war and hostilities; it means an agreement or a treaty to end an hostilities; it is also the freedom from quarrels and disagreement; it is living in harmony with your friends and relatives; peace can also be a public security and order; it can be an inner contentment and serenity, it can also be a state of tranquility and freedom from strife. Peace can also be a form of silence when you are been maltreated and cheated. The most important is that Peace is you relaxing and knowing that when things are out of control, they are in His control 2 Kings 6: 15 -17. Peace is to be silent in the midst of chaos.

It is time to review the 12 things you wrote in the beginning of the year. What is your testimony? Because a man who is crawling through life cannot make a mark, he can only create more confusion. Or is your prayer and praise life powerless or has it been powerful not to produce urgent and immediate answers to your needs? Is your prayer and praise life hindered by a besetting sin? Are you willing to say to God I am ready to forgo all that you may honour my prayer and my praises, cause my prayer and praise to bring quick and immediate answers when I kneel down. It is time to tell God to cause those who laughed at me to laugh with me and those who mock me to celebrate me.

Jesus is the answer to all your questions. He did not only come to give you a ticket to heaven, he came that you may live a life of distinction. When you give your life to Christ and develop a relationship with him and obey him totally and completely and implicitly and in anyway and in every way, his presence will stop every demon from harassing you. As we enter the last month of the year 2012, remember that:

• Pain is the root of gain.

• Unless you do the ridiculous; you will not receive the miraculous.

• Every short cut you take to your destiny will cut you short to that great destiny.

• Every mission without a vision equals omission.

• Do not join the choristers who just like to take a chair but join the few who like to take their share.

• When you stop praying, you will become a prey.

I declare ‘Peace be still’ to every trouble in your life

Dr Uma Ukpai

Watch videos  at www.youtube.com/umaukpai